Catholic University Extension Center

Santiago, Chile

We welcome you to the XII Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries and look forward to meeting you in Santiago, Chile, on April 15-18, 2024, to share and discuss the latest developments and advances of our discipline and their relevance to a harmonious and sustainable growth of developing countries. Our scientific program includes 4 continuing education courses and over 20 scientific sessions. We will also have poster presentations and exhibit booths for our sponsors. You are invited to register here.

Our venue, the Extension Center at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile is in downtown Santiago.  This location is easy to reach by metro (subway) or if you prefer, you can stay at Hotel Almacruz which is located at a walking distance from the venue. The hotel will provide preferential rates to our attendees during the duration of the congress. You can also find travel information around Santiago or in other cities in the north, center or south of Chile at Meridian Travel Agency.

We hope to see you in April !

Organizing Committee



María Fernanda Cavieres, Chair
Facultad de Farmacia
Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile

Pablo Olivares Trigo, Chair Local Organizing Committee
Asuntos Regulatorios
SQM, Chile

Juan Carlos Ríos, Local Host / Venue
Centro Informaciones Toxicológicas, CITUC
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Marcelo Wortsman Cánovas, Finances/Sponsorships
Salimax, Chile

Sandra Solari Gajardo
Centro Informaciones Toxicológicas, CITUC
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile


María Fernanda Cavieres, co-Chair
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Valparaíso, Chile

Martin Wilks, co-Chair
Faculty of Sciences
University of Basel, Switzerland

Salmaan Hussain B Inayat Hussain
Environment, Social Performance & Product Stewardship
Group Health, Safety & Environment
Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

Akihiko Hirose
Chemicals Evaluation and Research Institute, Japan

Chan Kok Meng
Faculty of Health Sciences
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Product Stewardship & Toxicology
Group Health, Safety & Environment
Petroliam Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

María Lucia Zaidan Dagli
Department of Pathology
School of Veterinary Medicind and Animal Science
University of São Paulo, Brazil

Boris Duffau
Section of Illicit Drugs
Public Health Institute, Chile

Heather Wallace
University of Aberdeen, United Kindom

Richard Brown
Chemical Safety and Health Unit, World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland

Registration fee and periods

Professionals, students and Sotox members registration
fee includes:

  • Registration material.
  • Full access to all sessions.
  • Attendance at the opening and closing ceremonies.
  • Coffee breaks.
  • Lunch box.
  • Digital certificate of attendance.
Registration fee does not include the cost of the
CECs or the Gala Dinner. 
The Congress registration fee must be paid in full so please
consider bank charges and fees that may apply when paying
your registration by bank tranfer.


Accompanying person registration fee includes:

  • Attendance at the opening and closing ceremonies
  • Coffee breaks
  • Lunch box.

Cancellation and refund policy: 

  • Registrations cancelled before February 29th are eligible for a 50 %refund of the registration fee.

Gala Dinner: 

  • The Gala Dinner will be held at Hotel Almacruz on Wednesday April 17th at 20:00 h. The dinner includes three courses of Chilean cuisine plus appetizers and drinks. The cost will be USD/EUR 45 or $45.000 and can be paid in advance in our registration platform.

Registration and abstract submission platform

Guidelines for abstract submission
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Accepted abstracts will be considered exclusively for presentation in poster format.
The first step is to create your account on the XII CTDC platform and complete your personal information.  Once you have completed your personal information you will be able to:
  • Create your abstract and submit it.
  • Pay for your registration fee and obtain your receipt.
Please consider the following guidelines when submitting your abstract:
Select the area to which your abstract is being submitted from the options available on the platform (select only one):
  • Health effects of environmental pollution.
  • Cross-cutting issues.
  • Safety of new technologies.
  • Safety of pharmaceuticals.
  • Occupational toxicology.
  • Natural products.
  • Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.
  • Clinical toxicology
  • Drugs of abuse.
  • New Approach Methods (NAMs)
Title: Maximum 40 words.
Content: Maximum 250 words.  Do not include images, pictures, graphics or tables.
Acknowledgements: Maximum 40 words.
Keywords: Maximum 5.
A maximum of 3 abstracts will be allowed to be submitted as a first author.  There will be no limit for participation as a co-author.
Poster dimensions should be no bigger than 90 cm wide and 120 cm long.

Abstract submission is now closed


Sponsor Titanium

Sponsor Gold

Sponsor Silver

Sponsor Bronze



Hotel Oficial Del Congreso ⊗⊗⊗⊗

Haz tuș reservas con el código de descuento CONGRESOTOX

Please contact us with your requirements so we can plan activities in Santiago in accordance with your expectations and needs.

Andrea Bravo, abravo@meridian.cl


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was founded on June 21, 1888 by Monsignor Mariano Casanova, Archbishop of Santiago. His goal was to create an institution capable of blending academic excellence and training based on the Christian doctrine. The local and universal historical context that the Church faced when the University was founded inspired the institution to train professionals who led Christian lives and who could renew energies for the coming generations. The University’s mission is for “Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile to reach excellence in the creation and transference of knowledge and educational training of people, inspired by Catholic values and always at the service of the Church and society”. UC’s vision is “to transmit, through all of its activities, a commitment to its foundational mission and its essential Catholic identity. Our hope is that the spirit that inspires and enlightens us be reflected in our University’s hallways, courtyards, classrooms, in the messages we transmit each day, in the relationships with our students, academic staff, professionals, administrative staff and society as a whole. General facts and figures for 2018: 25.378 undergraduate students; 3.159 master’s degree students; 1.118 PhD students;18 faculties, 104 undergraduate programs; 35 PhD programs; 97 master’s degree programs, 64 medical specialities, 3 dental specialities. 
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile  

UC Extension Center

The UC Alameda Extension Center is next to the main building of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Until 1988 it was the headquarter of the Luis Campino Humanities Institute and, since it opened its doors in 1989, has become one of the most complete and active multidisciplinary spaces in Santiago. With a total area of ten thousand square meters, the neoclassical building is one of the most beloved and remembered architectural landmarks of the city, as well as an example of conservation that combines harmony, tradition and functionality. The UC Extension Center is visited by one million people annually. It develops, among others, continuous education activities, business and government meetings, cultural exhibitions and social events. Event planning: UC extension center offers a platform of basic services and added value, for an integrated portfolio for the development of fairs, events and conventions, from conception to realization. Lease of spaces: UC extension center is a world-class center, effective in generating contacts, transferring knowledge and promoting academic, governmental and corporate activities, among others. Operation of fairs: As a professional organizer of fairs in Chile, UC Extension Center designs innovative concepts that satisfy the needs of access to knowledge, innovation, communication, and networking. http://centroeventos.uc.cl/en/

Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 340,
8331150 Santiago, Región Metropolitana


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